What is Restaurant Architectural Photography

Restaurant architectural photography is a specialized niche within architectural photography that focuses on capturing the ambiance, design, and functionality of restaurant spaces. Within this type of photography, I may serve various stakeholders, including architects, interior designers, restaurant owners, and, in some cases, business brokers, each with unique needs and objectives. Depending on the client, my focus will differ, ranging from structural and design elements for an architect to ambiance, people, and food for a restaurant owner.


For architects, the primary goal of restaurant architectural photography is to showcase the design philosophy behind the space. Photographs taken for architects often emphasize the layout, the interplay of space, and the integration of architectural features such as walls, windows, and materials. These images typically feature empty spaces, allowing the viewer to appreciate the design without distractions. By highlighting the geometry, symmetry, and architectural details, the photographs help to demonstrate how the architect has effectively utilized the space and incorporated existing elements into the new design. For example, a photograph might focus on seamlessly incorporating historical detailing into a modern dining area, showing how old and new elements harmonize.

Interior Designers

Interior designers seek to showcase the aesthetic and functional aspects of the interior decor. They focus on the materials, textures, colors, and furnishings that create the restaurant's ambiance. Photographs aimed at interior designers will often highlight specific elements such as the fabrics used in curtains and seat covers, the style and arrangement of furniture, and the selection of lighting fixtures. These images might capture the interplay of different materials and how they contribute to the overall feel of the space. For example, a close-up shot of a richly textured fabric on a seat cover illuminated by custom-designed light fixtures can illustrate the designer's attention to detail and the cohesive theme of the interior.

Restaurant Owners

Restaurant owners want to convey the atmosphere of their establishment to potential customers. This includes not only the design and decor but also the vibrancy and liveliness of the space. Therefore, photographs for restaurant owners frequently include people enjoying their meals, bartenders serving drinks, and the overall buzz of a busy restaurant. These images aim to capture the desired ambiance, making the space look inviting to prospective clients. For instance, a photo of people enjoying a meal outdoors, with warm lighting and a background of other diners, can effectively communicate a welcoming environment.

Business Brokers

Business brokers need architectural photography to highlight both the restaurant's interior and its strategic location. Their primary goal is to show the restaurant's potential for high traffic and profitability. Photographs for business brokers might include wide shots that show the restaurant in the context of its surroundings, such as a busy street, a shopping mall, or a picturesque neighborhood. These images often emphasize accessibility, foot traffic, and visibility. For example, an exterior shot showing the restaurant's prominence on a bustling street corner, with people and cars passing by, can convey its prime location and potential for attracting customers.


Lighting is a critical element in restaurant architectural photography and is often determined by the nature of the restaurant. A breakfast or lunch restaurant will want natural light to reflect the appropriate mood and time of day for its patrons. It will generally want to be bright, energetic, and vibrant. On the other hand, artificial lighting is used to set the mood for an evening focus that will be appropriate to the time of day, energy, and vibe of a dinner or evening restaurant.

Understanding Client Needs

My role in restaurant architectural photography is multifaceted. I must understand the specific needs of each stakeholder and adjust accordingly. Capturing the essence of an empty space for an architect requires careful attention to lighting, perspective, and composition to highlight structural details. Conversely, photographing a lively scene for a restaurant owner involves timing, capturing candid moments, and possibly coordinating with staff and patrons.

It is not uncommon that there is crossover in restaurant architectural photography, which requires flexibility and planning. I’ll often shoot for two types of clients at once, each with distinct objectives. Likewise, some restaurants require daytime as well as evening shots, requiring a juggling act of lighting, staging, and people.

By understanding the unique requirements of architects, interior designers, restaurant owners, and business brokers, I create compelling images that serve multiple purposes and help to promote a restaurant effectively. If you need restaurant architectural photography, please contact me to schedule a no-obligation walk-through to discuss your project.