Don't Forget to Shoot for Social Media

When planning for a photoshoot, people typically fixate on the primary need – for example, their website or an announcement. Consequently, they’re looking for that grand shot or one key image that says it all, and once they get it, sayonara. Nothing wrong with getting an elegant shot, but why stop there? With minimal effort, you can get so much more.

 Plan for Social Media

Social media has become an essential marketing vehicle for many businesses – in some it can supersede your website and print advertising for raising awareness and staying top-of-mind. Too often, though, social media is an after-thought in photography. With a bit of planning, you can make your photoshoots work a lot harder for you and really amp up your performance. Social media allows you to tell a story, for example, don’t just say you are near mass transit - show it.


Look for Stories

I normally give alternative views/angles that can be used for advertising and presentations. However, I like to take it even further – by thinking about what stories might be present for social media.

In advance of the photoshoot, I ask clients to think about their social media target audience – who are they, what motivates them, what will they react to? We set a plan, thinking about stories or messaging that will engage them, then build it into the shoot.

For example, on recent residential building shoots we’ve developed stories about location, renewable energy, cool common rooms, and unique fitness facilities along with a host of other forward-thinking construction details and amenities.

Keep Your Eyes Open And Go With The flow

Sometimes stories are planned, and other times they simply appear. Some of my best photographs are due to a combination of serendipity, inspiration, and luck. If you keep your eyes open for a great story, it is amazing how often one will appear.

Green spaces for the public tell a great story, as well as new technologies such as phone access to your unit or web-connected heat systems. Sometimes even small details capture people's imaginations – not too long ago, I noticed a doggie drinking fountain, took pictures, and voila, it became a terrific post.          

Get A Second Set Of Eyes

Social media experts have a great sense of what will play to their audience. They may see ideas overlooked by others knee-deep in other aspects of the shoot, so bring them along. You never know where a good idea may come from.

Give Social Media its Due

Social media warrants a seat at the table, so don't short-change it when dealing with photography. The medium offers a terrific opportunity, so plan for stories and look for opportunities while behind the camera. With minimal effort, you can get so much more.

If you are an architect, builder, developer, or business owner I’ll work to understand your social media objectives, make suggestions, plan the shoot then provide photography that wows your audience. The purpose of social media is to bring your business alive by telling a story – let us help tell yours.

Think I can wow you? If you’re in the Boston area or greater New England, I hope you’ll reach out to me at Shupe Studios.